The rise and fall of Laurent Gbagbo

The history of Côte d’Ivoire is marked internally by successive ethnic dominations. In 1960, following the end of colonisation by France, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, who spearheaded independence, further established his political influence by claiming royal legitimacy. The analysis of Véronique Tadjo, poet, novelist and writer of books for young people.

Ivory Coast: interview with Laurent Gbagbo

In this video former president and presidential candidate in Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo, calls for a recount of votes.

One contest two winners, a sign of trouble in Ivory Coast

The presidential election has been over for some weeks now, yet the people of Ivory Coast are still uncertain as to who really won or lose at the run-off election, 28 November 2010. Laurent Gbagbo who is said to be one of the winners of the election is the Ivorian current president with the power […]

Ivorians support Gbagbo in Paris – video

Video about the demonstrations in Paris of Ivory Coast citizens supporting presidential candidate Laurent Gbagbo