Full Name | Republic of Mauritius |
Capital | Port Louis |
Form of Government | Parliamentary Republic |
Date of Independence | 12 March, 1992 |
Date of Entry into the UN | |
Total Area | 2,040 km2 (179th) 787 sq mi |
Total Population (2007 estimate) | 1,264,866 (151st) |
Time Zone | MUT (UTC+4) |
Currency | Mauritian Rupee |
GDP (nominal, 2007 estimate) | $14.026 billion |
GDP Per Capita | $11,125 |
Human Development Index | .804 |
Languages | English |
Etnic Groups | |
Religions | 52% Hindu, 32% Christianity, 14.4% Islam |
Principal Cities | |
History | |
Cuisine | |
Music | |
Literature | |
TV stations |
IMF press releases and documents:
Statement at the Conclusion of an Article IV Mission to Mauritius
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