Tuesday the 16 of June 2009, Iday Italy will be presented in Rome.
Iday is a network of organisations involved and dedicated to facilitate the access of the African citizens to education.
The press conference presenting Iday Italy will take place in Rome at 10.30am in Sala Stampa of Camera dei Deputati (Italian lower house of the Parliament), via della Missione n. 4
“IDAY ITALIA, IL DIRITTO ALL’ISTRUZIONE E ALL’EDUCAZIONE PER TUTTI IN AFRICA” (Iday Italy, the right of education for all in Africa) is the name of the conference which will also be participated by Italian MP, Jean Leonard Touadi, the first Italian member of parliament not born in Europe.
IDAY Italy is made of these organisations:
- Acra,
- Cipsi,
- Cesvitem,
- ChiAma l’Africa,
- Voglio Vivere,
- Sunugal,
- Associazione CQB,
- Nidoe,
- Sunu,
- Celim
- Sole Terre
People attending the conference:
- Jean Leonard Touadi, MP;
- Eugenio Melandri, editor of “Solidarietà internazionale” and coordinator of Ngo “ChiAma l’Africa”
- Guido Barbera, president of Ngo Cipsi
- Laura Bottà, employee of the Italian Foreign ministry
- Patrizia Canova, communication manager for the Ngo Acra

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